Living Creatively, Living Well

Author: Megami Rhymes

  • The Learning Curve Unveiled: From ‘I Got This’ to ‘What Is This?’ to ‘Sorta Got This

    The Learning Curve Unveiled: From ‘I Got This’ to ‘What Is This?’ to ‘Sorta Got This

    Learning a new skill is a journey full of ups and downs, excitement and frustration, moments of clarity and confusion. It’s a rollercoaster ride that almost everyone experiences at some point in their lives, whether they are picking up a new hobby, mastering a professional tool or simply trying to learn a new game. In…

  • Creative Bookmark Making Ideas – DIY Guide for Personalized Bookmarks

    Creative Bookmark Making Ideas – DIY Guide for Personalized Bookmarks

      Crafting bookmarks is not just a hobby—it’s an art form that combines creativity, practicality, and personal expression. Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a curious newcomer, the process of making bookmarks offers a delightful and satisfying project that can be as simple or as complex as you wish. The Joy of Making Bookmarks Bookmarks…

  • The Art of To-Do Lists: Master Planner or Master Procrastinator?

    The Art of To-Do Lists: Master Planner or Master Procrastinator?

    I’ve always found myself to be contradictory when it comes to productivity. On one hand, I love creating to-do lists and staying organized. The process of making these lists gives me a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. On the other hand, I often struggle to actually complete the tasks on these lists. In this text,…

  • Learning the Art of Saying No: My Journey to Setting Boundaries at Work

    Learning the Art of Saying No: My Journey to Setting Boundaries at Work

    When I first started my job, I was the eager newbie, ready to impress and make my mark. Saying “yes” seemed like the fastest route to success and acceptance. Whether it was taking on extra shifts, jumping into projects at the last minute, or handling tasks well outside my job description, I was your go-to…

  • Understanding Introversion: More Than Just Being Shy

    Understanding Introversion: More Than Just Being Shy

      As an introvert myself, I’ve often found that navigating social landscapes can be challenging, especially in environments dominated by extroverts. The common misconception that introverts are just shy individuals misses the nuanced reality of what it truly means to embody this personality trait. Through this blog, I aim to shed light on the true…

  • Discover the Magic of Daily Reflection with the Self Crafted Love and Gratitude Journal

    Discover the Magic of Daily Reflection with the Self Crafted Love and Gratitude Journal

     In the rush of daily life, taking a moment to reflect and express gratitude can transform our mental and emotional well-being. That’s why the “Self Crafted Love and Gratitude Journal: Spice Up Your Daily Reflections Paperback” is more than just a journal—it’s a companion on your journey to deeper self-awareness and appreciation. Why Journaling Matters…

  • The Paradox of Loving Too Much: When It’s Time to Step Back

    The Paradox of Loving Too Much: When It’s Time to Step Back

      Introduction Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human beings. There are many kinds of love, but most people seek its expression in a romantic relationship with a compatible partner. While for many, such a relationship brings joy, fulfillment, and an emotional connection, for others, the intensity of their love can…

  • Boost Your Productivity with Top Tools and Apps for 2024

    Boost Your Productivity with Top Tools and Apps for 2024

    Introduction: 6 Top Productivity Tools and Apps for 2024 In our fast-paced world, productivity is more than just a buzzword—it’s necessary. Whether you want to streamline your workflow, manage your time better, or collaborate more effectively with your team, the right tools can make all the difference. Here’s a look at some of the best…

  • Accepting Your Imperfections: How to Get Rid of Yourself-Doubt and Develop Self-Love

    Accepting Your Imperfections: How to Get Rid of Yourself-Doubt and Develop Self-Love

    Overcoming Self-Doubt and Cultivating Self-Love Are you struggling with self-doubt? Do you find yourself constantly criticizing and doubting your abilities? It’s time to make a change and start cultivating self-love. By focusing on your strengths and achievements, you can overcome self-doubt and embrace your unique qualities. It may take some time and effort, but the…

  • Embracing Imperfection: Celebrating My Mother, Flaws and All

    Embracing Imperfection: Celebrating My Mother, Flaws and All

      The journey of motherhood is often portrayed as a rosy picture, but in reality, it is far more intricate and nuanced than society acknowledges. As a child, I was often baffled by the decisions and actions of my own mother, who wasn’t perfect by any means. However, as I’ve grown older, I’ve come to…